Source code for dragonfly.actions.action_key

# encoding: utf-8
# This file is part of Dragonfly.
# (c) Copyright 2007, 2008 by Christo Butcher
# Licensed under the LGPL.
#   Dragonfly is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#   under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
#   by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   Dragonfly is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   Lesser General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#   License along with Dragonfly.  If not, see
#   <>.

.. _RefKey:

Key action

This section describes the :class:`Key` action object.  This
type of action is used for sending keystrokes to the foreground
application.  Examples of how to use this class are given in

To use this class on X11/Linux, the
`xdotool <>`__ program must be
installed and the ``DISPLAY`` environment variable set.

.. _RefKeySpec:

Keystroke specification format

The *spec* argument passed to the :class:`Key` constructor specifies which
keystroke events will be emulated.  It is a string consisting of one or
more comma-separated keystroke elements.  Each of these elements has one
of the following two possible formats:

Normal press-release key action, optionally repeated several times:
   [*modifiers* ``-``] *keyname* [``/`` *innerpause*] [``:`` *repeat*] [``/`` *outerpause*]

Press-and-hold a key, or release a held-down key:
   [*modifiers* ``-``] *keyname* ``:`` *direction* [``/`` *outerpause*]

The different parts of the keystroke specification are as follows.  Note
that only *keyname* is required; the other fields are optional.

 - *modifiers* --
   Modifiers for this keystroke.  These keys are held down
   while pressing the main keystroke.
   Can be zero or more of the following:

    - ``a`` -- alt key
    - ``c`` -- control key
    - ``s`` -- shift key
    - ``w`` -- Windows key
    - ``O`` -- Option key (Mac alias of the Alt key)
    - ``M`` -- Meta key (X11 alias of the Alt key)
    - ``C`` -- Command key (Mac alias of the Windows key)
    - ``S`` -- Super key  (X11 alias of the Windows key)

 - *keyname* --
   Name of the keystroke.  Valid names are listed in
 - *innerpause* --
   The time to pause between repetitions of this keystroke.
   It should be given in hundredths of a second.  For
   example, "20" will pause for 20/100s = 0.2 seconds.
 - *repeat* --
   The number of times this keystroke should be repeated.
   If not specified, the key will be pressed and released once.
 - *outerpause* --
   The time to pause after this keystroke.
   It should be given in hundredths of a second.  For
   example, "20" will pause for 20/100s = 0.2 seconds.
 - *direction* --
   Whether to press-and-hold or release the key.  Must be
   one of the following:

    - ``down`` -- press and hold the key
    - ``up`` -- release the key

   Note that releasing a key which is *not* being held down does *not*
   cause an error.  It harmlessly does nothing.

.. _RefKeySpecNames:

Key names

 - Lowercase letter keys: ``a`` or ``alpha``, ``b`` or ``bravo``,
   ``c`` or ``charlie``, ``d`` or ``delta``, ``e`` or ``echo``,
   ``f`` or ``foxtrot``, ``g`` or ``golf``, ``h`` or ``hotel``,
   ``i`` or ``india``, ``j`` or ``juliet``, ``k`` or ``kilo``,
   ``l`` or ``lima``, ``m`` or ``mike``, ``n`` or ``november``,
   ``o`` or ``oscar``, ``p`` or ``papa``, ``q`` or ``quebec``,
   ``r`` or ``romeo``, ``s`` or ``sierra``, ``t`` or ``tango``,
   ``u`` or ``uniform``, ``v`` or ``victor``, ``w`` or ``whisky``,
   ``x`` or ``xray``, ``y`` or ``yankee``, ``z`` or ``zulu``
 - Uppercase letter keys: ``A`` or ``Alpha``, ``B`` or ``Bravo``,
   ``C`` or ``Charlie``, ``D`` or ``Delta``, ``E`` or ``Echo``,
   ``F`` or ``Foxtrot``, ``G`` or ``Golf``, ``H`` or ``Hotel``,
   ``I`` or ``India``, ``J`` or ``Juliet``, ``K`` or ``Kilo``,
   ``L`` or ``Lima``, ``M`` or ``Mike``, ``N`` or ``November``,
   ``O`` or ``Oscar``, ``P`` or ``Papa``, ``Q`` or ``Quebec``,
   ``R`` or ``Romeo``, ``S`` or ``Sierra``, ``T`` or ``Tango``,
   ``U`` or ``Uniform``, ``V`` or ``Victor``, ``W`` or ``Whisky``,
   ``X`` or ``Xray``, ``Y`` or ``Yankee``, ``Z`` or ``Zulu``
 - Number keys: ``0`` or ``zero``, ``1`` or ``one``, ``2`` or ``two``,
   ``3`` or ``three``, ``4`` or ``four``, ``5`` or ``five``,
   ``6`` or ``six``, ``7`` or ``seven``, ``8`` or ``eight``,
   ``9`` or ``nine``
 - Symbol keys: ``!`` or ``bang`` or ``exclamation``, ``@`` or ``at``,
   ``#`` or ``hash``, ``$`` or ``dollar``, ``%`` or ``percent``,
   ``^`` or ``caret``, ``&`` or ``and`` or ``ampersand``,
   ``*`` or ``star`` or ``asterisk``,
   ``(`` or ``leftparen`` or ``lparen``,
   ``)`` or ``rightparen`` or ``rparen``, ``minus`` or ``hyphen``,
   ``_`` or ``underscore``, ``+`` or ``plus``, ````` or ``backtick``,
   ``~`` or ``tilde``, ``[`` or ``leftbracket`` or ``lbracket``,
   ``]`` or ``rightbracket`` or ``rbracket``,
   ``{`` or ``leftbrace`` or ``lbrace``,
   ``}`` or ``rightbrace`` or ``rbrace``, ``\\`` or ``backslash``,
   ``|`` or ``bar``, ``colon``, ``;`` or ``semicolon``,
   ``'`` or ``apostrophe`` or ``singlequote`` or ``squote``,
   ``"`` or ``quote`` or ``doublequote`` or ``dquote``, ``comma``,
   ``.`` or ``dot``, ``slash``,
   ``<`` or ``lessthan`` or ``leftangle`` or ``langle``,
   ``>`` or ``greaterthan`` or ``rightangle`` or ``rangle``,
   ``?`` or ``question``, ``=`` or ``equal`` or ``equals``
 - Whitespace and editing keys: ``enter``, ``tab``, ``space``,
   ``backspace``, ``delete`` or ``del``
 - Main modifier keys: ``shift``, ``control`` or ``ctrl``,
   ``alt`` or ``option`` or ``meta``, ``win`` or ``cmd`` or ``super``
 - Right modifier keys: ``rshift``, ``rcontrol`` or ``rctrl``,
   ``ralt`` or ``roption`` or ``rmeta``,
   ``rwin`` or ``rcmd`` or ``rsuper``
 - Special keys: ``escape``, ``insert``, ``pause``,
   ``apps`` or ``popup``, ``snapshot`` or ``printscreen``
 - Lock keys: ``scrolllock``, ``numlock``, ``capslock``
 - Navigation keys: ``up``, ``down``, ``left``, ``right``,
   ``pageup`` or ``pgup``, ``pagedown`` or ``pgdown``, ``home``, ``end``
 - Number pad keys: ``npmul``, ``npadd``, ``npsep``, ``npsub``,
   ``npdec``, ``npdiv``, ``numpad0`` or ``np0``, ``numpad1`` or ``np1``,
   ``numpad2`` or ``np2``, ``numpad3`` or ``np3``,
   ``numpad4`` or ``np4``, ``numpad5`` or ``np5``,
   ``numpad6`` or ``np6``, ``numpad7`` or ``np7``,
   ``numpad8`` or ``np8``, ``numpad9`` or ``np9``
 - Function keys: ``f1``, ``f2``, ``f3``, ``f4``, ``f5``, ``f6``,
   ``f7``, ``f8``, ``f9``, ``f10``, ``f11``, ``f12``, ``f13``, ``f14``,
   ``f15``, ``f16``, ``f17``, ``f18``, ``f19``, ``f20``, ``f21``,
   ``f22``, ``f23``, ``f24``
 - Multimedia keys: ``volumeup`` or ``volup``,
   ``volumedown`` or ``voldown``, ``volumemute`` or ``volmute``,
   ``tracknext``, ``trackprev``, ``playpause``, ``browserback``,

.. _RefKeySpecExamples:

Example key actions

The following code types the text "Hello world!" into the foreground
application: ::

    Key("H, e, l, l, o, space, w, o, r, l, d, exclamation").execute()

The following code is a bit more useful, as it saves the current file with
the name "dragonfly.txt" (this works for many English-language
applications): ::

    action = Key("a-f, a/50") + Text("dragonfly.txt") + Key("enter")

The following code selects the next four lines by holding down the *shift*
key, slowly moving down 4 lines, and then releasing the *shift* key: ::

    Key("shift:down, down/25:4, shift:up").execute()

The following code locks the screen by pressing the *Windows* key together
with the *l* key: ::


Adding additional key names

Technically, the :class:`Key` action allows emulation of any key defined in
Dragonfly's special ``typeables`` dictionary.  Additional mappings may be
added to this dictionary at any time.

For example, the following code may be used on Windows to map the special
start application keys to "startapp1" and "startapp2" respectively:

.. code:: python

   from dragonfly import Typeable, typeables
   typeables["startapp1"] = Typeable(code=0xb6)
   typeables["startapp2"] = Typeable(code=0xb7)

The :class:`Key` action can then be used to emulate these keys:

.. code:: python

   action = Key("startapp1, startapp2")

By default, these keys open explorer.exe at "This PC" and the calculator
app respectively.

.. _RefUnicodeCharacterKeystrokesKey:

Unicode Character Keystrokes (Key)

The :class:`Key` action may be used on Windows and X11 (Linux) to type most
Unicode characters (code points).  This feature is not available on macOS.

On Windows, this feature is disabled by default because keystrokes emulated
in this fashion ignore modifier key state entirely and because some
applications do not accept the keystrokes at all.  On X11, this feature is
always on, since there are no caveats.

To enable this feature globally on Windows, run the following code, or add
it into one of your command modules:

.. code:: python

   from dragonfly.actions.keyboard import Keyboard
   Keyboard.unicode_keyboard = True

Dragonfly maintains a list of Windows applications that do not accept
Unicode keyboard events.  If the Unicode keyboard is enabled and the
foreground application matches a name in this list, hardware emulation is
used instead.

To add application names to this list, do the following:

.. code:: python

   from dragonfly.actions.keyboard import Keyboard

Keys in ranges 0-9, a-z and A-Z are always typeable.  If keys in these
ranges are not typeable with the current keyboard layout, then the
equivalent key will be used instead.  For example, if the standard Russian
keyboard layout is active, the following code will result in the 'я' key
being pressed while the :kbd:`Control` key is held: ::


The ``unicode_keyboard`` option and the ``use_hardware`` parameter are only
used on Windows.  They have no effect on other platforms.

.. _RefNatlinkKeyboardInput:

Using Natlink for keyboard input on Windows (Key)

On Windows, the :class:`Key` action object may be configured to send events
via Natlink.  This allows one to make use of Dragon NaturallySpeaking's
ability to control applications running in elevated mode, i.e.,
administrative applications.

This feature is disabled by default because it comes with a number of
caveats.  They are as follows:

 * Modifier keys are not always held down when simulated this way.
 * Certain applications do not accept input simulated this way.
 * Unicode character keystrokes (if enabled) cannot be simulated this way.
   Such keystrokes will always be sent normally, via SendInput.

To (globally) enable the feature anyway, run the following code, or add it
into one of your command modules: ::

   from dragonfly.actions.keyboard import Keyboard
   Keyboard.try_natlink = True

In order for this feature to work, Natlink must be available and Dragon
NaturallySpeaking must be running.  Dragonfly will fallback on the default
keyboard implementation for Windows if it is unable to send input via

This feature may be enabled for mouse input events too.  See

X11 keys

On X11, as noted above, the :class:`Key` action may be used to type most
Unicode characters.  The code point may also be used to specify keys on this
platform.  For example, the character ``'€'`` is typed by the following
action: ::


There are many more keys that can be typed with the :class:`Key` action
on this platform.  For example, the browser refresh multimedia key: ::


This key is not defined in Dragonfly's typeables list.  It works because it
is passed directly to xdotool.  A list of X11 (Xorg) keys like this can be
found online: `XF86 keyboard symbols

Key class reference


import collections

from dragonfly.actions.action_base          import ActionError
from dragonfly.actions.action_base_keyboard import BaseKeyboardAction
from dragonfly.actions.typeables            import typeables


[docs] class Key(BaseKeyboardAction): """ Keystroke emulation action. Constructor arguments: - *spec* (*str*) -- keystroke specification - *static* (boolean) -- flag indicating whether the specification contains dynamic elements - *use_hardware* (boolean) -- if *True*, send keyboard events using hardware emulation instead of as Unicode text. This will respect the up/down status of modifier keys. The format of the keystroke specification *spec* is described in :ref:`RefKeySpec`. This class emulates keyboard activity by sending keystrokes to the foreground application. It does this using Dragonfly's keyboard interface for the current platform. """ # Various keystroke specification format parameters. _key_separator = "," _delimiter_characters = ":/" _modifier_prefix_delimiter = "-" _modifier_prefix_characters = { 'a': typeables["alt"], 'c': typeables["control"], 's': typeables["shift"], 'w': typeables["win"], # Additional prefixes for the Alt key, which is called the Option # key on Apple macs and (sometimes) the Meta key on X11. 'O': typeables["alt"], 'M': typeables["alt"], # Additional prefixes for the Windows key, which is called the # Command key on Apple Macs and the Super key on X11. 'C': typeables["win"], 'S': typeables["win"], } interval_factor = 0.01 interval_default = 0.0 # Keystroke event data type. _EventData = collections.namedtuple( "_EventData", "keyname " "direction " "modifiers " "inner_pause " "repeat " "outer_pause " ) def _parse_spec(self, spec): # Iterate through the keystrokes specified in spec, parsing # each individually. events = [] for single in spec.split(self._key_separator): event_data = self._parse_single(single) if not event_data: continue events.append(event_data) return events def _parse_single(self, spec): # pylint: disable=R0912,R0914,R0915 # Suppress warnings about too many branches, variables and # statements. # Remove leading and trailing whitespace. spec = spec.strip() if not spec: return None # Parse modifier prefix. index = spec.find(self._modifier_prefix_delimiter) if index != -1: s = spec[:index] index += 1 modifiers = [] for c in s: if c not in self._modifier_prefix_characters: raise ActionError("Invalid modifier" " prefix character: %r" % c) m = self._modifier_prefix_characters[c] if m in modifiers: raise ActionError("Double modifier" " prefix character: %r" % c) modifiers.append(m) else: index = 0 modifiers = () inner_pause = None special = None outer_pause = None delimiters = [(c, i + index) for i, c in enumerate(spec[index:]) if c in self._delimiter_characters] delimiter_sequence = "".join([d[0] for d in delimiters]) delimiter_index = [d[1] for d in delimiters] if delimiter_sequence == "": keyname = spec[index:] elif delimiter_sequence == "/": keyname = spec[index:delimiter_index[0]] outer_pause = spec[delimiter_index[0]+1:] elif delimiter_sequence == "/:": keyname = spec[index:delimiter_index[0]] inner_pause = spec[delimiter_index[0]+1:delimiter_index[1]] special = spec[delimiter_index[1]+1:] elif delimiter_sequence == "/:/": keyname = spec[index:delimiter_index[0]] inner_pause = spec[delimiter_index[0]+1:delimiter_index[1]] special = spec[delimiter_index[1]+1:delimiter_index[2]] outer_pause = spec[delimiter_index[2]+1:] elif delimiter_sequence == ":": keyname = spec[index:delimiter_index[0]] special = spec[delimiter_index[0]+1:] elif delimiter_sequence == ":/": keyname = spec[index:delimiter_index[0]] special = spec[delimiter_index[0]+1:delimiter_index[1]] outer_pause = spec[delimiter_index[1]+1:] else: raise ActionError("Invalid key spec: %s" % spec) if inner_pause is not None: s = inner_pause try: inner_pause = float(s) * self.interval_factor if inner_pause < 0: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise ActionError("Invalid inner pause value: %r," " should be a positive number." % s) if outer_pause is not None: s = outer_pause try: outer_pause = float(s) * self.interval_factor if outer_pause < 0: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise ActionError("Invalid outer pause value: %r," " should be a positive number." % s) else: outer_pause = self.interval_default * self.interval_factor direction = None; repeat = 1 if special is not None: if special == "down": direction = True elif special == "up": direction = False else: s = special try: repeat = int(s) if repeat < 0: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise ActionError("Invalid repeat value: %r," " should be a positive integer." % s) if direction is not None: if modifiers: raise ActionError("Cannot use direction with modifiers.") if inner_pause is not None: raise ActionError("Cannot use direction with inner pause.") return self._EventData(keyname, direction, modifiers, inner_pause, repeat, outer_pause) def _execute_events(self, events): # Calculate keyboard events from events (event data). use_hardware = self.require_hardware_events() keyboard_events = [] for event_data in events: events_single = self._calc_events_single(event_data, use_hardware) keyboard_events.extend(events_single) # Send keyboard events. self._keyboard.send_keyboard_events(keyboard_events) return True def _calc_events_single(self, event_data, use_hardware): (keyname, direction, modifiers, inner_pause, repeat, outer_pause) = event_data # Get a Typeable object for the key, if possible. typeable = self._get_typeable(event_data.keyname, use_hardware) # Raise an error message if a Typeable could not be retrieved. if typeable is None: error_message = ("Keyboard interface cannot type this " "character: %r (in %r)" % (keyname, self._spec)) raise ActionError(error_message) # Calculate keyboard events using the Typeable and event data. if direction is None: if inner_pause is None: inner_pause = self.interval_default * self.interval_factor if repeat == 0: events = [] else: events = [] for m in modifiers: events.extend(m.on_events()) for _ in range(repeat - 1): events.extend( events.extend( for m in modifiers[-1::-1]: events.extend(m.off_events()) else: if direction: events = typeable.on_events(outer_pause) else: events = typeable.off_events(outer_pause) return events def __str__(self): return '[{!r}]'.format(self._spec)